Excellent once again Atlantis. Thank you.
From the previous self-proclaimed “faithful slave”:
w62 5/1 p. 277 How May I Contribute? - Surely it costs money to operate a world organization; still you never ask for donations.
HOUSEHOLDER: Well, how does it raise the needed money? WITNESS: The money comes from willing, unforced, unsolicited givers.
From the current self-proclaimed “faithful slave”:
w13 7/1 p. 4 Can You Trust Religion Regarding Money?
(Isn't the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses a religion?)
Estelle was a regular churchgoer with several children......I thought, ‘They don’t care if I even attend; they just want my money.’”
Angelina, who has always been religious, said: “In my church, they were always asking for money. I thought to myself, ‘They do not have God’s spirit.’ , Do the religions in your area employ direct or subtle pressure to obtain money? Is that in harmony with the Bible?” WHAT DOES THE BIBLE TEACH? How did the early Christians care for congregation expenses? Paul worked as a tentmaker to support his ministry.—Acts 18:2, 3. HOW DO JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES MEASURE UP?
Jehovah’s Witnesses commonly meet in modest buildings called Kingdom Halls. How are expenses covered? They never pass collection plates, (TRUE) nor do they send out envelopes (letters to congs!) to solicit donations. (BLATANT LIE) Rather, any who appreciate the spiritual program can discreetly place a donation in a contribution box at the Kingdom Hall. This magazine obviously costs money to print and ship. Yet you will never see....appeals for money. (BLATANT LIE)
G.B. - Read your RNWT: John 8:44 - “You are from your father the Devil....truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.”